Your health and safety is of paramount importance to us | HEALTH AND SAFETY PROTOCOL - COVID-19

13th May 2020 - version 1.0



At Josephine Gray Photography, we wish to reassure customers, that we follow the Covid-19 advice given by HM Government, the devolved Parliaments of Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and our Local Authority appertaining to our business. In addition we maintain a clean and safe environment for our customers and ourselves.

The health, safety and welfare of our customers and our team is of paramount importance to us. The MPA (Master Photographers Association) has prepared the following H&S Covid-19 Protocol on our behalf, to the best of the information that is available at this time.

1. Studio cleaning policy

Before and after every studio session, the studio/all equipment and kit is deep cleaned by using disinfectant / isopropyl alcohol and/or steam cleaning. All surfaces that could be touched and all props used are sanitised. All blankets and outfits used are washed between portrait sessions. The studio will be aired thoroughly to minimise any droplets in the air. Outdoor photography sessions conducted within social distancing (2m apart wherever possible) are offered whenever suitable/possible.

2. Time between sessions

At least 1 hour will be left between sessions to enable a deep clean of all surfaces and accessories to take place and to ensure there is no contact between customers arriving and leaving the premises. 

3. Sick policy

Customers are required to disclose if anyone coming to the session has had a fever or any other symptoms such as coughs, sickness or vomiting or has been in contact with anyone displaying Covid-19 symptoms, suspected of having Covid-19 or has had a Covid-19 positive test result at least 24 hours before their session. Appointments will be re-arranged, at no cost.

4. Self monitoring

All photographers / staff and customers are asked to monitor their temperatures and health before coming into the studio/attending the photography shoot.

Gloves and masks should be used as deemed necessary and appropriate. The photographer will bring mask, gloves, sanitiser to outdoor shoots and use as necessary. Clients are requested to bring their own items to outdoor shoots, in order to maintain the 2m distancing from the photographer.

5. Hand washing

All photographers and staff will be required to thoroughly wash their hands or sanitise the hands for a minimum of 20 seconds before all sessions. When attending the studio, customers will find appropriate sanitising hand gels are made available and customers requested to use these upon arrival at the studio.

6. Social distancing

All photographers and staff agree that every effort will be made to keep the 2m social distancing advice at all times where possible both in the studio and on location. This includes shaking hands and moving / adjusting hair or clothes. Parents/pet owners may be asked to help move their children and babies/pets as requested by the photographer. During the portrait/photography session instructions to the clients will be given from the distance stipulated by and in accordance with the social distancing rules.

 (Due to the restrictions imposed by social distancing, it may not be appropriate to offer usual studio sessions and poses, particularly with regard to newborn and maternity sessions. To carry out these types of sessions where social distancing may not be possible due to safety, a bespoke policy will be put in place between the photographer and their customer.)

We operate an appointment only booking system to ensure no contact between customers and minimise risk to photographers and staff by ensuring that the measures on this protocol are conveyed to customers before their appointments.

7. Covid 19 Customer Safety & Welfare Policy

 The studio will be able to, upon request, put in place a bespoke Health & Safety plan to meet the specific requirements of a portrait session / customer.

8. Continuing updates

As part of signing up to the Protocol I and my team have committed to checking for continuing updates (found at and make adjustments in accordance with any new regulations issued by HM Government, my Local Authority or the devolved Government applicable.